[PDF] Ohio Consumer Law Ebook

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Ohio Consumer Laws - FindLaw Ohio Consumer Laws Did you know that simply clicking "yes" on a customer agreement when buying something online is the same as signing a contract? Consumer laws generally are meant to protect the average consumer from deceptive business practices, dangerous products, or other problems; but they also protect businesses from liability. Ohio consumer protection laws The Ohio Attorney General has enforcement authority over more than 25 consumer protection laws, which are listed below with a brief overview of key protections that consumers have under the laws. Please note that the following information is for educational purposes only, and additional laws may apply. Ohio Consumer Law - Luftman, Heck & Associates LLP Ohio Consumer Law. There are many federal and Ohio state laws in place to ensure consumers are not taken advantage of or treated unfairly by creditors. As a US citizen, one is legally protected against malicious business practices under federal law.

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