[PDF] Basic Contract Law For Paralegals Ebook

Basic Contract Law For Paralegals By Jeffrey A Helewitz
Basic Contract Law for Paralegals - Google Books The newly revised edition of the best-selling text; Basic Contract Law for Paralegals gives students a firm foundation in the basics of contract law. This comprehensive and straightforward text speaks clearly to students, engaging them with lively examples which help to bring theory to life. Instructors choose Basic Contract Law for Paralegals for its: quick, simple, and straightforward ... Basic Contract Law for Paralegals: Jeffrey A. Helewitz ... Basic Contract Law for Paralegals is a clear, comprehensive, and straightforward introduction to all of the basics of contract law, specifically designed for paralegal students. Lively examples and well-crafted pedagogy cover all key topics in a contracts coursefrom offer, acceptance, and consideration, to discharge of obligations, and remedies. Basic Contract Law For Paralegals OUTAOUAIS-AVIATION ... Contract Law: Commercial Contracts for Non Commercial Contracts for Non-Lawyers - This popular workshop has been specifically designed for non-lawyers who need to learn the fundamental legal elements of commercial contracts. Paralegal A paralegal is an individual who is employed or retained by a lawyer, law office, corporation, governmental
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Basic Contract Law For Paralegals Sixth Edition

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Aspen Publishers Basic Contract Law For Paralegals
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