[PDF] Contract As Promise Ebook

Contract As Promise A Theory Of Contractual Obligation By
Contract as Promise - Paperback - Charles Fried - Oxford ... Contract as Promise is a study of the philosophical foundations of contract law in which Professor Fried effectively answers some of the most common assumptions about contract law and strongly proposes a moral basis for it while defending the classical theory of contract. This book provides two purposes regarding the complex legal institution of the contract. Contract as Promise - Charles Fried - Google Books This book displays the underlying structure of a complex body of law and integrates that structure with moral principles. Charles Fried grounds the basic legal institution of contract in the morality of promise, under which individuals incur obligations freely by invoking each other's trust. Contract law and the promise principle are contrasted to the socially imposed obligations of ... Contract as Promise: A Theory of Contractual Obligation ... Contract as Promise: A Theory of Contractual Obligation [Charles Fried] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Contract as Promise is a study of the philosophical foundations of contract law in which Professor Fried effectively answers some of the most common assumptions about contract law and strongly proposes a moral basis for it while defending the classical theory of contract.

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